Bonner Receives Committee Assignments for New Session

March 10, 2023

HARRISBURG – Rep. Tim Bonner (R-Butler/Mercer) announced he has been appointed to serve on the House Judiciary, Health and Ethics committees for the 2023-24 legislative session. 

“I am looking forward to my service on these committees, which address issues impacting all Pennsylvanians,” Bonner said. “My long-term experience as an attorney and involvement several health care providers in the area have prepared me well for these assignments.”

As a prosecutor for nearly 20 years, and a civil litigator for over 40 years, Bonner has a deep understanding of critical legal issues and how they impact the daily lives of Pennsylvania citizens. He is the most experienced attorney in the state House in both criminal and civil law. As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, he will have the opportunity to work on issues including identity theft, firearms laws, domestic violence, child abuse laws, state prisons and criminal law.

Serving on the Health Committee may involve work on issues such as abortion, assisted suicide, legalization of marijuana, gender identity, licensing and scope of practice for medical professionals, and most issues concerning the delivery of health care services in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

“My service as board chairman and general counsel for the Grove City Medical Center for over 30 years, as well as my time spent on the governing boards of UPMC and AHN, prepare me to effectively address health care policies in the Commonwealth,” Bonner said.

Finally, Bonner will join the House Ethics Committee, which oversees behavioral complaints regarding elected representatives of the House of Representatives. Comprised of just four Republicans and four Democrats, it is a small committee and the only one equally divided between the two political parties. In addition to his practice of law and service as a prosecutor, Bonner also brings his experience as chairman of a disciplinary hearing committee overseeing conduct of attorneys.

“I look forward to serving on these critical committees and promoting legislation that will preserve, protect and enhance the values and priorities that our families and businesses need to face challenges now and in the future,” Bonner said. 

For more information on Bonner and his legislative priorities. Visit or

Representative Tim Bonner
17th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Luke Burdsall
717-260-6437 /

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