Jul. 22, 2024

HARRISBURG – Today, Rep. Tim Bonner (R-Mercer/Butler) announced three grants have been awarded to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) interested in developing or expanding experiential learning opportunities to engage secondary and postsecondary students in learning about and/or working with students with disabilities to inspire the next generation of special educators.

The recipients across the 17th district will receive nearly $60,000 and are as listed below:

- Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV - $20,000.
- Slippery Rock School District - $19,982.
- Slippery Rock University - $19,920.

“Teaching is a noble profession, and one that is essential to our future as a Commonwealth,” Bonner said. “These grants will go a long way to recruit and retain young people to teaching opportunities in our area and support special education across Pennsylvania.”

Representative Tim Bonner
17th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Tim Craine
repbonner.com/ / Facebook.com/RepBonner